GOP attorneys general want to undo 52 years of legal rights because a key portion of disability law was recently expanded to ...
Two years after Education Savings Accounts were signed into law to allow Iowa families to spend their portion of per-pupil ...
A new bill introduced in the Iowa Senate would prohibit schools from using mascots that reference disabilities, a measure that could directly impact Estherville ...
A push by Republican attorneys general in 17 states to strike down part of a federal law that protects disabled people from ...
Protections for transgender Iowans would be removed from the Iowa Civil Rights Act after nearly two decades under legislation ...
A Republican-led bill has been introduced into the Iowa House which gets rid of discrimination protections for transgender individuals by removing gender identi ...
Iowa House Republican lawmakers Thursday introduced House Study Bill 242, which would remove gender identity as a protected class in the Iowa Civil Rights Act.
Should the bill pass and be signed into law, Iowa would become the first state in the nation to remove a protected class from a state’s civil rights act, a legal expert says.