The lights flickered out and the house shook. Nichols, her daughter and their two dogs hurried outside into the pouring rain, ...
Firefighters were not the only ones with hoses at the scene of a Port St. Lucie fire, the person accused of setting the fire ...
The Cayuga Nation has donated $60,000 to the Union Springs Hose Company, supporting the acquisition of a rescue hovercraft ...
Joe McDermott, city streets supervisor, holds two of the options for the design of San Luis Obispo’s signs. The city settled ...
For Jay Hagen, Bellevue, Washington’s fire chief over the past seven years, returning to western Montana is, in some sense, a ...
The cause of a fire last year in Jeannette that claimed five lives has been ruled undetermined, police Chief Derek Manley ...
A schoolgirl screamed as she struggled to handle a fire hose during a safety training drill ... a sixth-generation fighter jet First-Overall Pick Signs Contract With New York Giants ...
City of Ottawa firefighters controlled a stubborn fire early Saturday in a low-rise multi-residential unit on Titanium ...
A single spark was all it took to ignite a fast-spreading fire in a South Carolina neighborhood, as captured by a Ring ...