Calpers slashed stakes in Nvidia, Super Micro, and AT&T, and increased an investment in Rivian in the fourth quarter.
CalPERS, the state’s largest pension system, is trying to claw back the payments it made to retirees while they worked for ...
Transparency is a key component Frost said at the board’s Feb. 19 meeting and that CalPERS officials “are concerned our ...
CalPERS inched closer to potentially adopting a new total portfolio approach with a presentation exploring key risk ...
Riverside County government’s unfunded pension liabilities are now close to $4 billion, up more than a half-billion dollars ...
The most recent salary data from the State Controller’s Office revealed that the number of million-dollar earning civil ...
This contract will allow CalPERS and all its departments to procure from a group of qualified and selected professional services firms like Oxalis to provide advanced capabilities to different ...
Early retirements often leave school districts with more inexperienced and under-prepared teachers, which research has ...