Zelda Echoes of Wisdom on Nintendo Switch is a vast adventure where many things can happen, and for safety measures, you’d like to save your progress. After all, you might get embroiled in a ...
For new and upcoming Zelda players, there's a few things that they should know before they start their first game.
Zelda: Breath of the Wild 100 Percent Completion ... Once you’ve defeated the last boss, load the last auto-save and look at your Sheikah Slate and you should be able to see your completion ...
We gave this top-down Zelda game a 9/10 in our glowing review, concluding that this is "easily in contention with A Link to the Past and A Link Between Worlds as one of the best top-down adventures." ...
The Zelda series is famous for its intimidating, entertaining boss battles, and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is no different from the rest in that department. With a host of ...