ARM is eating them alive, of course, but there are still places where very small and very low power x86 boards make sense. The latest release from SolidRun is the smallest we’ve seen yet.
AMD is releasing a very tiny x86 dev board called the Gizmo, a four-inch square board that shrinks a desktop computer down to the palm of your hand. The Gizmo is powered by a dual-core x86 Brazos ...
So if youre not very fond of troubleshooting, it might be a good idea to stick to x86 boards for your home projects. Capable of running a myriad of operating systems, the Radxa X4 strikes the ...
A new Kickstarter campaign is promoting the JaguarBoard – a single-board computer like the Raspberry Pi, but with better performance and x86 architecture. The company behind the project said ...
RISC-V is a fully open source and royalty-free instruction set, making it possible for anyone to adopt and use it without having to license it (unlike x86 ... the board is available to order ...