When most of us think about azaleas, we envision the transplants from Japan and Korea that grace southern gardens in spectacular fashion in the spring. As flashy as exotic azaleas may be, the less ...
Azaleas are ubiquitous in the South and seem to have loved the cold weather this past winter. The evergreen varieties were ...
Home to the largest azalea garden in Texas, Nacogdoches welcomes East Texans to enjoy their diverse display of flowers. ...
"The synergy between the gardens and the museum is where we shine," explains director of horticulture Dale Skaggs, who has ...
The Edgerton and Stengel Wildflower Garden is filled with wildflowers, ferns and a shrub layer of native azaleas and rhododendrons. Sheltered by a canopy of white ash and red maple, this naturalistic ...
The White Oak is a magnificent tree with its classic “oak ... as well as an extensive collection of native understory trees, many varieties of wild azaleas and other native shrubs, perennials, ...
The Nancy Moss Fine Native Azalea Garden is located in the Connecticut College Arboretum Native Plant Collection in New London, Connecticut. This garden was established in 1978 with funding from the ...