Dave Hinton is editor of The News-Gazette's 'Our Communities' section. He can be reached at [email protected].
It's not as annoying as cart-path only, but this rule can leave golfers frustrated ... and confused. A superintendent ...
Many farmers keep a record of their planting intentions by field in a notebook or on a USB drive. Automation can make both of ...
Lessons learned from a technology trial are being rolled out across the rest of the cropping area on one Lincolnshire Estate, ...
FARGO, N.D. — The Arthur Companies is expanding into the wheat breeding world.
The neighbors have collected enough signatures to require a supermajority vote of the City Council to rezone the site for ...
A UI Extension study finds that nutrients in wheat straw left in fields may be worth two-thirds of its sale value, offering ...
This year, instead of the Rudder Theatre, the vibrant showcase of music, dance, fashion and creative arts known as the I-Show ...
The history of financing for African agriculture has gone through a series of false dawns. State-led credit in the years ...
Agronomy and Sustainable Farming… Job/Project description: The AgroBioSciences Program (AgBS) at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University is seeking a highly motivated and skilled candidate for a ...