Nearly two years after residents voted down a proposal that the town take over Laurel Lake dam, the dam has changed hands — ...
The Cambodian government has approved at least three new irrigation dams across the Cardamom Mountains, carving even deeper ...
The Galesville Reservoir near Azalea, Ore. was operating near capacity this week, after 4 to 5 inches of rain fell on ...
How tribal leaders, commercial fisherman and a few small environmental groups won an uphill campaign against dams.
Water is misused as a weapon when infrastructure and water resources are deliberately destroyed in armed conflicts. Water ...
California, Arizona and Nevada are urging the Trump administration to change course on the Colorado River. The states are ...
The 11.4-mile climb in 100-degree heat is actually an industry standard testing site. I drove it to see what it's like.
City officials weigh removal, replacement, or repair of deteriorating Saline River Dam as new study explores costs and ...
The Vaal Dam, which serves as a crucial water source for Gauteng, is currently operating at an elevated level of 106.14%, ...
The Army Corps' Risk Management Center was set up to make the agency more efficient and better-equipped to prevent dam and ...
The Department of Natural Resources is currently working with an outside consultant to determine what modifications should be ...
The Four Lakes Task Force says it now has all the permits to repair and reconstruct four Tittabawassee River dams.