The Bauhaus art school was founded with a very ambitious objective ... teach and develop ideas for a better society. But the reality in Weimar, Germany was anything but a harmonious community of ...
At a time of political tension in Germany, the Bauhaus – arguably one of most influential architecture, art and design schools in the world – has become the target of far-right attacks.
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They saw “true art” as coming from the people and ... In the heated political climate of the late Weimar republic, the Bauhaus encountered a new existential threat. When the Nazis took over ...
In the Weimar Bauhaus University quad, students are chatting and basking ... the design school that redefined the principles of art and architecture in the 1920s. "Today there is still a pressing need ...
Bauhaus-Universität Weimar André Kunert So könnten virtuelle ... und kollektive Erfahrung im virtuellen Raum – in einer Art begehbarer Wikipedia –, in dem Wissen durch körperliche ...
He was born in Haag, Austria, and apprenticed in a local architectural design and graphic arts studio. By 1920 he was in Germany and a year later enrolled in a recently established, state-funded ...
3D-Druckverfahren eröffnen völlig neue Möglichkeiten für Architektur und Bauwesen. Inwiefern innovativer 3D-Druck das Bauen ...