Benjamin Franklin once said, “When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.” That moment has already arrived ...
In their separate messages on World Water Day, President Asif Ali Zardari said as a water-stressed nation, we must take ...
With 18 hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River and its main tributary, the Snake River, between the headwaters in eastern British Columbia and its terminus near Astoria, Ore. — and dams on various ...
The Chehalis Basin Flood Authority approved a letter Thursday, March 20, that will be sent to the Washington state Senate Ways and Means Committee and the House Capital Budget Committee in support of ...
March 22 marks World Water Day, but for millions of people worldwide, including Ukrainian citizens, access to clean water is ...
A coastal protection project with an investment of 42 million euros (US$45.68 million) was launched this week to combat ...
We must close this gap. Doing so would both advance progress toward universal access to water and sanitation and unlock ...