Physicists in Germany have led experiments that show the inertia of electrons can form 'tornadoes' inside a quantum semimetal ...
Researchers from Würzburg have experimentally demonstrated a quantum tornado for the first time by refining an established ...
With artificial photosynthesis, mankind could utilize solar energy to bind carbon dioxide and produce hydrogen. Chemists from ...
A first-of-its-kind artificial intelligence (AI)-based neural network can rapidly analyze and interpret millions of cells ...
Dr. Kathrin Fröhlich from the University of Jena will be awarded the 2025 Research Award of the Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM, Association for General and Applied ...
Artificial photosynthesis holds the key to cleaner energy and carbon capture, but replicating nature’s process is no easy ...
A first-of-its-kind artificial intelligence-based neural network can rapidly analyze and interpret millions of cells from a ...
Learn how replicating the natural process plants use to create their own food from sun and water could ease some ...
Researchers have experimentally demonstrated a quantum tornado. Electrons form vortices in the momentum space of the quantum semi-metal tantalum arsenide.
A breakthrough that’s turning heads in the scientific community: A young research team from Würzburg has experimentally demonstrated a quantum tornado for the first time by refining an established ...
A first-of-its-kind artificial intelligence (AI)-based neural network can rapidly analyze and interpret millions of cells from a patient sample, predicting molecular changes in the tissue.