Comedian Alex Stein has questioned the Democrats over their “illogical” position of believing voter ID is “somehow racist”.
Voters will not only have to present a photo ID to vote on April 1, but they'll also be asked about adding that requirement to the state constitution.It's part of a constitutional ...
Elections officials say so far voter turnout is 46% higher than the last Supreme Court race.In Brown County, more than 11,000 ...
MADISON (WKOW) -- On the April 1 spring election, voters will decide whether to add a voter identification requirement to the Wisconsin state constitution. A 2011 state law already requires voters to ...
Republican lawmakers are looking to require voter ID in California – but not through the Legislature, where they hold a superminority and little influence to pass laws. Reform California ...
“Support for voter ID enjoys broad, bipartisan support in the Golden State and will start in a strong position should it appear on the 2026 ballot in California,” noted the poll. With state ...