Erwin Schrödinger, a theoretical physicist steeped in the philosophy of Schopenhauer and the Upanishads, delivered a series ...
Only recently has the ribosome—one of the oldest molecular machines in evolutionary terms—been recognized as an active ...
The research field of 'cellular IRESes' lay dormant for decades, as there was no uniform standard of reliable methods for the clear characterization of these starting points for the ribosome-mediated ...
Only recently has the ribosome - one of the oldest molecular machines in evolutionary terms - been recognized as an active regulator of gene expression at the level of protein biosynthesis.
On Thursday, March 13, the Department of Biology hosted Greg Lang, associate professor of biological sciences at Lehigh ...
This study reveals how SV40 helicase unwinds DNA, highlighting ATP hydrolysis's role in translocation and offering insights ...
Researchers descended more than 35,700 feet (10,900 meters) below sea level to collect biological samples that revealed ...
The scientists estimate that while LUCA was a simple prokaryote, it likely had an immune system, meaning it was already ...
In recent decades, however, more and more IRESes have also been described in eukaryotic cells, which, unlike viruses, have a nucleus. "This strengthens the general view that these elements are ...
More than 80 years ago, Erwin Schrödinger, a theoretical physicist steeped in the philosophy of Schopenhauer and the ...
Transposons have been found clustered at the chromosome ends in eukaryotic cells, but this is the first time ... a CRISPR system – normally used by bacteria to defend against viruses – to target and ...