Plus, his graying hair could once have been Targaryen silver ... Addam is likely Corlys' son as well. That means the Old Valyrian blood of House Velaryon runs in Addam's veins.
After the dragons are gone, their silver hair, temper and the ability to speak High Valyrian are what's left of the Targaryen tradition. Being a Targaryen means royalty and magic in their blood ...
Rookie speakers of High Valyrian 101 already know "Valar morghulis" ("all men must die"). It's practically like knowing "where is the bathroom?" in all other languages. But it's time to take your ...
Game of Thrones and its prequel House of the Dragon feature various Valyrian steel weapons, including Jon Snow's Longclaw and the catspaw dagger Arya Stark used to kill the Night King. The ...