Tales of foul smells, impolite noises, soiled clothing and other bodily issues often appear in online rumors about recent U.S. presidents.
From Dewey to Stu, Scream 7 may have some big names returning, but there's still a major question of who exactly and how it's ...
The viral article also claimed that Secret Service agents confirmed that Donald Trump's code name was 'Roast Beef' due to his ...
Black American novelists, filmmakers and other writers are using comedy to reveal — and combat — our era’s disturbing ...
Donald Trump has cited the Gilded Age era as an inspiration – but experts say it was rife with government and business ...
The novel employs pathos as well as satire. An adopted daughter, Laura Hawkins, kills her married lover. She is tried and acquitted, but before her death, she feels guilty about her past behaviour.