As of early 2025, tuberculosis cases are increasing in the U.S. This disease causes significant lung damage and, if not treated, is almost always lethal. World TB Day on March 24 raises awareness ...
Unlike normal cough, tuberculosis is usually accompanied by typical symptoms such as fever, shivering, night sweats, loss of ...
Genital tuberculosis is a cause of infertility that is often overlooked until it has a significant negative impact on a woman ...
Day, marked on 24 March, the World Health Organization (WHO) is calling for an urgent investment of resources to protect and ...
John Raina died from tuberculosis at the age of 18. He would not be the last in the family to be taken by the deadly disease ...
In a new book, author John Green writes about visiting a tuberculosis hospital in Sierra Leone, where he met a TB patient not ...
According to the latest data from the Kansas Department of Health, so far this year there have been a total of 9 active tuberculosis cases and 48 latent cases in the state.
As COVID-19 started infiltrating the Dan River Region early in 2020, the local health department essentially dropped all other responsibilities to focus on the pandemic.
As young children have an increased risk of developing tuberculosis (TB) disease during the first year after infection, ...