The immune system responds to an infection by producing antibodies that recognize and bind to the cell surface of the pathogen, thus marking it as an intruder and triggering an immune response. For ...
A new study by LMU and Helmholtz Munich shows how pathogens control changes in their cell surface to evade the immune system.
Die Art des Reparaturmechanismus und die daraus resultierende Antigenexpression hängen von der Verfügbarkeit einer homologen Reparaturvorlage im Genom ab. Dieses Wissen hilft vorherzusagen, welches ...
Antigenic variation is a key mechanism by which pathogens evade the immune system. New research has shown how trypanosomes ...
Eine neue Studie von LMU und Helmholtz Munich zeigt, wie der Krankheitserreger Trypanosoma brucei die Veränderung seiner Zelloberfläche steuert, um dem Immunsystem zu entgehen. - Mithilfe eines ...
The immune system responds to an infection by producing antibodies that recognize and bind to the cell surface of the ...
Als das Wasser in Msabaha, einem Dorf mit tausend Einwohnern, zu sprudeln begann, hatte der bergamaskische Missionar Don Gigi ...
When water started to flow in Msabaha, a village of a thousand people, Father Gigi Ginami, the missionary from Bergamo who carries out small works of charity around the world, had fun singing ...
Der asiatisch-pazifische Raum umfasst Japan, China, Korea, Indien, Saudi-Arabien und Südostasien ...
Transcriptomics is the study of the transcriptome—the complete set of RNA transcripts that are produced by the genome, under specific circumstances or in a specific cell—using high-throughput ...