Making the effort to use his own voice at the end of the audience, the pope earnestly pleaded with Catholics to “do our best” ...
First, we must learn the difference between the Holy Spirit's leading and the evil ones wishing to lead us astray. That takes ...
BishopPaolo Martinelli, Apostolic Vicar of Southern Arabia, calls the “Church of migrants” to embrace Christian hope in his ...
A Catholic's vocation is to bring God to every aspect of one's life: to work, the family and serving the community, Pope Francis said in a message. "Do not be afraid and abandon yourselves" to God's ...
Sisters from a convent outside Waco have repeatedly visited the prisoners—and even made them affiliates of their order. The ...
The prophet Jeremiah speaks of the ultimate Redemption, which will involve the return of the Jewish People to their Land and ...
Each of us will experience the tender mercies of the Lord from time to time if we just try to keep his commandments and let humility, love and kindness guide our lives. We matter to our Heavenly ...
Pope Francis offered that reminder on Thursday as he met with a delegation of Orthodox clergy taking part in a study visit to ...
Shady areas in landscapes and gardens require plants that need or tolerate shade. If you need ideas, attend the class “Some Shady Characters: Annuals and Perennials for Shady Sites” on Sunday, Feb. 16 ...
The “Glory Be” is more than a short hymn of praise. It is a testament of faith that has shaped the spiritual journey of countless believers. Known as the lesser ...