It wasn’t an elevator or a washing machine—it was a garbage disposal. If you’ve ever had one, you know what I mean. The garbage disposal is one of the hardest-working appliances in any modern home, ...
The Sundance Film Festival stands as a beacon for independent cinema, illuminating the art with groundbreaking storytelling, ...
During an investigation into methamphetamines at an apartment in Milam County, game wardens seized dozens of venomous snakes.
The suspect confessed to owning a variety of snakes, including a monocled cobra, a green bush viper, rat snakes, bull snakes and approximately 25 rattlesnakes.
One person is charged with having several venomous snakes without the required permit or a hunting license and for possession ...
As we head closer to the warmer months, he recommends cat owners keep their furry friends indoors at two times of the day in ...