Uzņēmums "Defence Partnership Latvia" ir saņēmis "Patria" 6x6 bruņutransportieru izmēģinājuma numurzīmes, kas ļaus veikt bruņutehnikas kvalitātes pārbaudes testa braucienus arī ārpus militārajiem ...
Aizsardzības ministrija informē, ka uzsākti "Patria" 6x6 bruņutehnikas testa braucieni pa koplietošanas ceļiem, informē Aizsardzības ministrija. Saskaņā ar normatīvo aktu grozījumiem uzņēmums "Defence ...
“Izmēģinājumu braucieni par koplietošanas ceļiem ir veids, kā padarīt efektīvāku Latvijā ražoto Patria bruņumašīnu sertifikāciju un nodošanu Nacionālajiem bruņotajiem spēkiem. Līdz šim izmēģinājumi ...
Testicular cancer is when abnormal cells in a testicle start to divide and grow in an uncontrolled way. The testicles are part of the male reproductive system. We have information on symptoms, getting ...
He came closer and closer to me, then suddenly - to my complete surprise - gave me a sharp bite in my left testicle,” Kahler said in a report obtained by the outlet. Kahler went on to say that ...
If you or a loved one is diagnosed with testicular cancer, a natural question you may ask is: “What caused this?” And the answer is doctors don't know for sure why a man may get it.
It depends on your individual condition, type of cancer, treatment and level of fitness. Survival for testicular cancer is very high. Your doctor can give you more information about your own outlook ...
Testicular cancer is when unusual cells grow out of control in the tissue of one or both of your testicles. Also called testes, these are the two oval-shaped organs that hang from the base of a ma ...
Lai turpinātu veiksmīgi attīstīt vienotu digitālo ekosistēmu Eiropas Savienībā (turpmāk – ES), visas dalībvalstis izstrādā ...
Promising results from an early-stage trial suggest that lenacapavir injections might offer long-lasting protection. What will really matter in the long run? That’s the question we tackle each ...
Testicular cancer is rare, typically affecting men ages 15 to 45. It can cause a painless testicular lump, swelling, or heaviness and may result in infertility. Risk factors include cryptorchidism ...
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