For several years now, scientists have been using lasers to control the properties of matter at extremely fast rates: during one optical cycle of a light wave. But because these changes occur on the ...
Instantly turning a material from opaque to transparent, or from a conductor to an insulator, is no longer the stuff of ...
Dassault not only builds warbirds, but incorporates that technology into its Falcon business jets. Here are nine favorites ...
Raymond Boyce and Axel Sergues formed the operations management duo - DDO and deputy DDO respectively - for the inaugural ...
Les servomoteurs Dynamixel MX-28T et MX-64 sont vendus partiellement montés : ...
Dassault Aviation’s founder, Marcel Bloch, a Paris-based engineer, industrialist, and aviation inventor, officially entered the golden era of aviation in 1929, just two months after the New York ...
Transmission microscopy and microRaman imaging are used to investigate the morphologies, growth process, and porous structure of methane hydrate promoted by two prototypical surfactants, sodium ...