The new Dragon Ball Super one-shot's decision to focus on Trunks makes sense as a standalone story, but not when considering ...
Now that the Dragon Ball Super manga has officially returned under the direction of Toyotarou, Gotenks might actually have a ...
Dragon Ball Super chapter 104, titled The Birth of Saiyaman X, opened by depicting the Clean God television show. A new threat approached Earth as aliens planned to invade the planet, hoping to ...
Debuting on the final page of the latest manga chapter, Saiyaman X-1 and X-2 are born and thus the Z-Fighters’ legacy with hilarious masked vigilantes continues. Whenever Dragon Ball Super’s ...
Gohan unlocked a God-like new form in Dragon Ball Z, revealing a power that goes beyond the limits of a Super Saiyan.
Ultimately, Gohan’s role as both Clean God and the Great Saiyaman helped to push Trunks and Goten into the crimefighting business.
While he was unsure about their names, Trunks decided to coin their names based on Gohan's superhero name "The Great Saiyaman." Dragon Ball Super one-shot later switched to Clean God who arrived ...