The Washington City Council approved an annexation request and preliminary plat for a new 99-home subdivision Monday, but not ...
The New Baltimore City Council voted on March 10 to approve a tentative preliminary plat for the Cypress Grove subdivision ...
Developers have submitted plans to expand two Columbia County subdivisions by more than 150 houses. Highland Lakes Investors ...
Both plat proposals are on the agenda for the Columbia County Planning Commission for its March 20 meeting.
BRD Land plans to develop 640 home sites in the Clark tract after receiving approval from the Planning Commission in Orangeburg County.
The Seymour Plan Commission approved preliminary plat approval requests from two petitioner during their latest meeting on ...
Columbus City Council members gave initial approval to vacate previously platted alleys in east Columbus so an applicant can ...
The following deeds were transferred in Shelby County from Jan. 29-Feb. 7: Jan. 29 -Danny N. Isbell to Mario Ismael Flores, for $130,000, for Lot 73 in Deer Springs Estates First Addition.
A new retail development may be coming to the City of Ozark. Monday, the Board of Aldermen considered three items related to ...
Another residential subdivision moved a step closer Monday to … well, becoming a residential subdivision. The city Planning Commission gave its approval to the preliminary plat for a 16-lot ...
Watering with drip irrigation is allowed every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In addition to Stage 1, 2, and 3 water ...