For example, the Crop Estimates Committee’s data on 26 March showed that the 2024-25 summer grain and oilseeds production is ...
To protect crops from rising droughts, scientists are looking to the genes of a small group of plants that can survive months ...
By Leonie Joubert Sometimes words fall hopelessly short. This might explain the silences between the two botanists as their ...
Astral Foods has disclosed that it suffered a cyber attack, with its description matching the impact of a ransomware incident ...
"The dialogue will provide a strategic opportunity for South Africa to reinforce its commitment to climate ... and land ...
If anything, South Africa’s water crisis has worsened since then ... “In Gauteng, there’s no drought, the dams are full, the ...
South Africa is unleashing weevils imported from the United States in a bid to fight off the sprouting growth of Salvinia ...