By the early 1990s, fewer than 1,500 Jews remained in Cuba, and religious life was nearly extinct. In 1991, Cuba allowed ...
Rabbi Charlene Brooks, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, said her original goal was to perform funerals to honor those who ...
The beauty of our togetherness, the unity of generations coming together in song, prayer ... was an extraordinary figure – Rabbi Dr. Shalom Coleman, a former rabbi of this very community.
The painting ‘Shalom Aleichem and Two’ is one of my favorite pieces. Along the sides of a rainbow ladder are the opening lines of a song with ... do not paint on Shabbat,” she said.
“A Special Purim Morning” — Purim Shabbat for families with kids ... celebration with carnival games, activities, songs, storytelling, mishloach manot-making and costume parade. Presented by Or Shalom ...
Congregation B’nai Tikvah invites the community to attend its “Shabbat Across America and ... story time and songs. Click here for more information. Tifereth Israel Synagogue invites the ...
Even under these horrid conditions, they composed and led their companions at night in song until their death ... director is Allan Robuck retired as cantor at Congregation Ohev Shalom in Orlando.