A P/S (or price-to-sales) ratio is a valuation tool is used by investors to determine how a company’s share price compares to its annual revenue. A company’s P/S ratio can also be thought of ...
The price-to-sales (P/S) ratio is a profitability analysis tool used to compare companies and discover undervalued securities. P/S ratios can vary significantly between industries and companies so ...
Calculating activity ratios involves analyzing various components of a company’s financial statements, with the exact formula varying ... a company converts its sales into actual profit ...
Here are the parts of the formula: Days inventory outstanding ... managing its assets and liabilities to produce sales, while a lower ratio might signal underutilization of available resources.
Or divide a stock's price by sales per share. A lower price-to-sales ratio suggests you've found a bargain, or a value stock. Industry consensus says lower-P/S stocks have better value because ...
Since the quick ratio doesn’t include inventory in its calculation, it may be a better liquidity indicator in some situations. Similarly, not all companies have stable sales over the course of ...