SORAZ could not be reached for comment. Several governments in the restive Sahel region - including Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali - have been seeking to assert greater control over their resources.
Niger’s military junta tightens control, silencing dissent, detaining opponents, and ruling by decree. Civil liberties erode ...
Niger expelled three Chinese oil executives in a dispute over disparities between the salaries of expatriate staff and ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
It’s one thing being forced to cut aid programmes, it’s quite another not knowing where help is most urgently needed in the ...
Military coups, particularly in the Sahel region, have fueled anti-French sentiment, spreading opposition to the French military presence across other countries in the region. Following Mali, Burkina ...
According to the report, there is large-scale drug trafficking on the African continent, visible “by the significant seizures of cocaine and other drugs in the Sahel”. Africa has increased its ...