Wukong? Spirits in Black Myth: Wukong are usually obtained after defeating powerful enemies such as bosses and elites, and ...
Before HIM cornered the market in Finnish goth metal, Helsinki’s The 69 Eyes had the elegantly wasted after-midnight look and ...
Every band relies on good chemistry, but there was a certain ex-factor missing when these members stepped up to the plate.
Get your monthly fix of all things music, with issues filled with news,reviews,interviews and more Every issue delivered ...
Nomaintaed for an Emmy, as well as two Screen Actos Guild Awards, for his lead role in the smash hit of Season 1 of ...
In a world that’s so cynical, so divided, where everything is examined through a political lens, Sandler is a wisecracking, ...
Spanish language music continues to flourish at SXSW. And this year it has the official venues to match. Mala Vida and Mala ...
There has always been a debate on how heavy Van Halen could get, but Eddie figured this tune was as cutthroat as he dared.
Understandably, the headlines are all in 12-point type about the private-equity guy who paid $6 billion — the highest-ever ...
Sip, snack, and vibe at the cafés and bars the 20-somethings frequent. Don’t take our word for it, this is how the kids do it ...