It is estimated 155,000 women are affected by endometriosis in Ireland. With March being the awareness month for the ...
A weak pelvic floor is a common condition; some risk factors are age, pregnancy, chronic constipation and coughing. Working ...
I foolishly was in a crowded indoor location and got COVID (for the third time). I thought about getting Paxlovid. But I ...
A weak pelvic floor is a common condition; some risk factors are age, pregnancy, chronic constipation and coughing. Working ...
Chronic constipation or coughing, for instance, increases abdominal pressure, stretching nerves like the pudendal nerve over time. The result? A pelvic floor that struggles to hold up—literally.
Almost without fail, a person will enter the examination room, make no introduction, and launch into a series of questions or ...
We try to impress upon all our health care providers how important it is to introduce oneself with your name and role.
I am a 66-year-old woman in fairly good health, but I have visited enough doctors recently to make the following observation: ...
The pudendal nerve controls the anal sphincter. This nerve is also the main nerve of the perineum and genitals. It carries sensations from the urethra and clitoris in females and sensations from ...