In a federal lawsuit filed last week, Publix was accused of inflating the weights of products at checkout. Here's what to ...
Over the years, fan-favorite grocery chain Publix has found itself faced with multiple food recalls that impacted customers across several states.
The latest not-food-in-your-food recall pulls Lean Cuisine and Stouffer’s frozen meals from shelves at Walmart, Publix, ...
The class action lawsuit claims the grocer’s point-of-sale system determined that on-sale items weighed more than they ...
Stacked with a variety of meats, cheeses, condiments and toppings, they're freshly prepared and served in generous portions ...
“As you can imagine, there are a number of variables and evaluations utilized in making a decision on building a facility. These evaluations are complex and proprietary,” said Publix spokeswoman ...
Publix self-checkout weight scales are part of a lawsuit claiming prices were inflated by not accurately measuring meats, cheeses and deli items. Marked sale prices are also part of the lawsuit ...