Conjugation is a form of horizontal gene transfer that allows the exchange of genetic material between two organisms or cells ...
17, No. 2, 1934 The Wood-Feeding Roach Cryptocercus, Its... The Wood-Feeding Roach Cryptocercus, Its Protozoa, and the Symbiosis Between Protozoa and Roach This is the metadata section. Skip to ...
Ticks are the most versatile arthropod diseases vectors capable to transmit the broadest spectrum of pathogens comprising viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and nematodes to their vertebrate hosts ...
Production of methane by methanogenic archaea, or methanogens, in the rumen of ruminants is a thermodynamic necessity for microbial conversion of feed to volatile fatty acids, which are essential ...
Microbiology is the study of bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa and viruses, and is of immense importance in relation to the environment, agriculture and food, biomedical sciences and biotechnology.