This much is certain, that, by degrees, the custom of fasting so far fell into disuse, that when, in 1362, Pope Urban V endeavored to prevent the total decay of the Advent penance, all he insisted ...
It is claimed that no Pope condemned slavery until then. According to one modern theologian: " can search in vain through the interventions of the Holy See - those of Pius V, Urban VIII and ...
He did a crowd-work special that included sections called “Mexican,” “Colombian,” and “Black Women.” His newest special, ...
The Vatican said the pontiff also did some work on Sunday. The Vatican press office released a photo of Pope Francis on Sunday in a private chapel of Rome's Gemelli Hospital, where he continues to ...
VATICAN CITY − The Vatican on Sunday released the first image of Pope Francis in the hospital since he began treatment for double pneumonia, in which the 88-year-old pontiff appeared to be ...
The Vatican has released the first photo of Pope Francis since his hospitalization. The photo shows Francis at the chapel in Rome’s Gemelli hospital. The Vatican announced on Sunday, for the ...
Pope Francis has approved a new three-year reform process for the Catholic Church, sending a strong signal he plans to continue in the post despite spending a month in hospital battling pneumonia ...
By Elisabetta Povoledo Reporting from Vatican City and Gemelli hospital in Rome The Vatican on Sunday released the first photo of Pope Francis since he was hospitalized 31 days ago, showing him ...
Pope Francis on Sunday expressed his gratitude for those who bring God’s love into the world through their dedicated service to those who are sick. “I would like to invite you, today, to join ...
The Vatican has released the first photo of Pope Francis since he entered Gemelli Hospital in Rome on Feb. 14. “This morning, Pope Francis concelebrated Holy Mass in the chapel of the 10th-floor ...
ROME — Pope Francis entered the fifth week of hospital treatment for double pneumonia Saturday very much looking ahead as he continued work on a signature priority of his papacy, and signs of ...