Mattias Ekstrom and Max McRae have been forced to withdraw from this weekend's Race of Champions event in Sydney, Australia. Ekstrom (main image), a four-time winner of the Race of Champions, has ...
Norsk polis är inte beväpnad och det är vi, vilket gör att vi inte får jobba i Norge. Det är mycket bekymmersamt och det måste lösas, säger Joakim Kristiansen. – Ja det är viktigt att få till de här ...
Lately, new additions to Forza Horizon 5's car list have been split between 4-5 free reward cars a month and premium DLC Car Packs. We'll continue to update and add to this list as we receive more ...
I den andra säsongen av dokumentärserien "Poliserna i Våldsvågen", som premiärvisades den 27 februari på TV4 och TV4 Play, får vi en närmare inblick i polisens arbete mot den eskalerande ...
The studio has already confirmed that The Witcher 4 will be a single-player RPG set in an open-world, albeit one where you have more scope to make choices and live with the consequences. Ciri is a ...
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis ordered flags across the state to fly at half-staff from sunrise to sunset Tuesday, honoring former state Rep. Rod Bockenfeld. Bockenfeld, a 69-year-old Republican who ...
We often hear damper engineering talked up as a bit of a dark art, and there’s plenty of truth to that. This is one corner of the car industry that demands not just mathematical rigour but also ...
The Bristol Hi-Fi Show is gone and dusted for another year. We've seen – and heard – some of the latest new audio products from some of the world's biggest hi-fi brands this weekend. A staple of every ...
Jared Polis about the right way to cut government waste and build more houses—and how the Dems should polish their prosperity messaging. Gov. Jared Polis and Bill Kristol join Tim Miller.
He joined Autocar in 2005 as deputy road test editor, prior to which he was road test editor and world rally editor for Channel 4’s automotive website, 4Car. Into all things engineering and ...
The film also dethroned 2023’s buddy cop blockbuster Polis Evo 3, becoming the second-highest-grossing Malaysian film of all time. It remains RM30 million behind Syamsul Yusof’s 2022 epic Mat Kilau, ...
Few things are more authentically Washington than a fly-in. As in, the great capital tradition of getting people from all 50 states into town and unleashing them on the halls of Congress for a few ...