The wall adds resistance—and additional support. Often, mat Pilates can be difficult if you are tight or weak in areas like ...
Build a stronger core and boost your balance and stability without the pulses and holds of Pilates with this ...
Pilates is so much more than a series of graceful movements. Its versatility lies in the ability to adapt each exercise to ...
Try these moves whenever life feels like a whirlwind of chaos. Pilates won’t do your laundry or answer your emails, but it ...
A workout that sculpts, strengthens, and keeps things fresh—without a ton of fancy gym equipment? Yes, please. This 20-minute ...
You can feel stronger with just a few sessions of 20-minute Pilates a week, says this dynamic Pilates instructor ...
If you often wake up feeling tired, achy, and just a little bit stiff, then a morning Pilates workout could be just the thing ...
Look no further than our new guide, Prevention's Wall Pilates 101! This beginner-friendly workout plan is perfect for anyone ...
Most of us have had shoulder pain at some point in our lives because we hardly devote time to strengthening our shoulders. We ...
Without good grip, actions like holding weights, hanging from bars, or even staying in a downward dog become tough for any ...
Pilates is a fantastic physical activity to ... curl your head and shoulders, and float your arms so they’re still by your sides but a few inches off the ground. As you inhale, draw your abs ...