MEMS has been making major strides in the MEMS (Microelectromechanical systems) speakers space, and it continues to push ...
The Lassen is xMEM’s First “Amplifier-less” high-performance silicon xMEMS tweeter that is designed for 2-Way wireless ...
MEMS solid-state drivers have provided a big sound boost to wireless earbuds recently, offering the ability for companies to ...
YouTuber [MechnicalRedPanda] has recreated a DIY STM hack we covered about ten years ago, updating it to be primarily 3D-printed, using modern electronics, making it much more accessible to many ...
The OLED panel can change shape and produce sound without speakers or mechanical parts, offering new possibilities for ...
Finding a local source for crystal earpieces might be tough, but piezo speakers are common on things that make beeps like motherboards or microwave ovens. Hackaday’s own [Steven Dufresne] shows ...