In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about how to divide a hydrangea and whether you can plant anything under evergreens ...
We reveal how you can form your own – plus how to maintain one, whether you buy a pre-trained hydrangea tree or do it ...
People from Humboldt to Marin counties gathered in Cloverdale to express skepticism about future water management strategies ...
As of 9 p.m., 5,136 PG&E customers were affected, down from 5,334 customers earlier. The power loss began at about 7:12 p.m. and was caused by a tree hitting PG&E equipment due to windy ...
A large old cottonwood tree in George Lane Park snapped and took out part of the chain link fence at the ball diamond. The culprit appears to be Mother Nature, with strong winds over the weekend. A ...
These are indications that tree saps are starting to flow, which means it’s maple syrup season. Five Minnesota state parks are offering programs to introduce people to the history of maple syrup and ...
ISU Extension and Outreach engages Iowans on farms and on Main Street, at home and in school, from urban neighborhoods to rural communities in every Iowa county. Learn what Iowans say about their ...