Sekretariat Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Bencana Daerah (JPBD) Raub memaklumkan, hujan lebat berterusan menyebabkan berlakunya limpahan air dari Sungai Lipis. “Kesemua mangsa dari Kampung Ulu Sungai ...
Menurut kertas pertuduhan, tertuduh yang ketika kejadian bertugas sebagai penolong jurutera (awam) di Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) Daerah Raub, didakwa menerima wang bernilai antara RM500 hingga RM25,000 ...
Dia yang ketika itu bertugas sebagai Penolong Jurutera (Awam) JA36 di Bahagian Jalan, Jabatan Kerja Raya Daerah Raub, Pahang, didakwa menerima antara RM500 hingga RM25,000 pada Sept 2019 sehingga ...
Locals credit community spirit Growing up in South Florida, Peta Sherwood was intrigued by the ever-changing weather, including sea breeze storms and the development of tropical systems.
PETA intensifies its campaign against Thailand’s use of monkey labour in coconut harvesting, with The White Lotus creator Mike White urging the Thai government to end the exploitation of pig-tailed ...
I was surprised when I heard that PETA was going to protest at Buena Vista. Why they chose Buena Vista is beyond me, so I made up my mind that I was going to be there Saturday, Feb. 15.
This addon is ABI-compatible across Node.js versions. There is no compilation during npm i.
Local file. Data URI. Http(s) URL. Node.js Blob URL. Raw RGBA pixel data. The Image class is similar to HTMLImageElement, and can be used as a replacement in non-DOM environments.