A pesticide spill outside an Auburn home disrupted traffic Tuesday afternoon as crews worked to contain the flow of fungicide ...
First responders in Lubbock were called to the 900 block of 40th Street for a chemical spill on Thursday. Affidavit: Woman ...
Emergency services are at a chemical spill incident at a transfer station in Haumoana, near Hastings. Five fire trucks were ...
Four citybound lanes have been closed on the Tullarmarine and Calder Freeways, in the city's north, during peak-hour on ...
Lubbock Fire Rescue is on scene of a Haz-mat response after a semi crashed into a train on East 40th Street between Ivory and ...
Six people were injured Thursday in an acid spill at a chemical plant in Virginia. According to the Giles County Sheriff’s ...
In an email to the UTHSC community, the school said the chemical spill happened on the fifth floor of the Pharmacy Building. As a safety precaution, the building was evacuated.
Alcoa was fined $400,000 plus $5536 in costs in the Rockingham Magistrates Court on Tuesday over the incident, which took ...
The National Park Service is asking the public to help identify the vandals responsible for spray-painting and dumping ...
According to University of Tennessee Health Science Center officials, a chemical spill in the campus’s pharmacy building led ...
California Attorney General joined a multistate lawsuit Thursday to defend federal regulation requirements for chemical ...