If you are highly tattooed and want some neck ink, these 40 neck tattoo ideas may help you narrow down your ink choices.
The Norwegian band’s early years were punctuated by headlines about death and church burnings. It went on to become a beacon ...
Lennon was denied entry into the US in May 1969 due to a minor drug infraction in London, where he had copped a plea. The ...
If you, too, find yourself at your happiest when you’re curled up on the couch rather than out at a crowded event, you might ...
Donald Trump did not take the news well. In the ensuing hours, the president and his administration vehemently rejected ...
Fashion consultant Nicole Pollard Bayme is the latest and boldest to practice energy-centric styling, with clients including ...
Companies who speak out about social justice or protecting the environment are under threat like never before, writes Alan ...
Lifestyle - The prestigious George Enescu International Festival will once again welcome the acclaimed Lumières d’Europe ...
Donald Trump did not take the news well. In the ensuing hours, the president and his administration vehemently rejected ...
Through her company, Fair Winds Trading, she has managed to make shopping meaningful -- a way to load up on gorgeous, exotic objects de lust while furthering peace and justice, not to mention ...
Frances H. Arnold has spent her career creating enzymes that can accomplish chemistry that nature never intended. C&EN spoke ...
Hinge dating app lets users describe their dream home features. The answers range from poetic (fresh air) to hilarious (a Coors Light fountain) ...