Shot just outside of Seattle, a hunting osprey was trying to catch a meal and ended up becoming the target of a hunting bald ...
The Murphy Administration has proposed removing the osprey and the bald eagle from New Jersey's list of endangered species, ...
The Michigan DNR is hosting free birding tours this spring to "premier" wetland locations where birders can see ducks, ...
March may come in like a lion, but around here it goes out on the crooked wings of an Osprey.
The home, one of nearly 200 on the private island in Anne Arundel County, was designed for the view: the expansive back porch ...
The nest at osprey cam at Barnegat Light was first occupied ... In January, the NJDEP announced that ospreys and bald eagles have been removed from the state's endangered species list.
osprey, bald eagles and sandhill cranes, among others. The DNR will be meeting birders at these three wetland wonders.
A pair of bald eagles have built a nest along Lakeshore Boulevard in West Irondequoit, an unusual spot due to its proximity to a residential area.
Eagles are gorgers, meaning they eat until their crop is completely full. They then rest while it digests. Much like the ...
Part of a hiking trail near Fisherman's Park in Harford County was shut down after officials said they found dead vultures ...