I’m really looking forward to welcoming our new neighbors in the doors and getting more established as a great partner in the ...
We’ll help you navigate the store and save some money at the same time. Meijer will push its mPerks app to its new customers, and there’s a good reason you should listen. Meijer’s app is ...
Now through Nov. 9, Meijer is offering a way for you to get rid of used baby items for a great deal. Customers who are willing to donate car seats and strollers that are unneeded, expired or ...
Meijer has rolled out Wi-Fi to all of its stores at the same time that its mPerks loyalty program has added one million members in the past year. The in-store efforts support a bigger mobile ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio – Meijer has announced plans to open three new supercenters in Northeast Ohio this spring and hopes to hire hundreds of people. The new stores, located in Austintown, Medina ...