The saga of Mars Hill and its aftermath is continuing to generate division in the evangelical Christian community as sharp differences emerged in response to Mark Driscoll's decision to plant a new ...
Bell received a vast amount of criticism for his book and even lost members of his Mars Hill Bible Church congregation. The New Yorker writes that "word went out that a prominent megachurch leader had ...
Soho Rep has added an additional, final performance to its U.S. premiere production of Nia Akilah Robinson's The Great Privation (How to flip ten cents into a dollar), directed by Evren Odcikin.
The Roman Catholic Church has consistently condemned abortion ... proceeding in haste into the hill country to a town of Judah, where she entered Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.
A mother and son journey beyond the night sky in local children’s book author Morgan Glenn’s latest release, “Mommy’s ...