It’s grown into the tissue between the lungs (mediastinum), heart, large blood vessels in or near the heart, trachea, esophagus, diaphragm, spine, or carina. There are at least two nodules in ...
A mediastinoscopy helps doctors look at the space behind your breastbone in the middle of your chest, between your lungs. Experts call this area your “mediastinum.” It holds your heart and its ...
A recent analysis shows that additional invasive staging modalities lead to relevant changes in target volume in some ...
Mediastinoscopy: This procedure is performed to determine the extent the tumor has spread into the mediastinum (the area of the chest between the lungs). Mediastinoscopy is a procedure in which a ...
Nassau University Medical Center announced the opening on Friday, March 7, of its new thoracic surgery clinic, which will ...
India: A recent study conducted in a high-endemic region highlights the role of chest X-rays (CXR) in identifying ...
Years ago, a family member was diagnosed with an extremely rare cancer: Liposarcoma of the Spermatic Cord. Fewer than 200 ...
especially those growing in the right upper lung, are the most common cause of compression, followed by lymphomas. The spread of other tumors, such as breast cancer to lymph nodes in the mediastinum ...
3 We examined the lung cancer data in the National Cancer Data Repository ... Incidentally resected patients with SCLC usually present with a small peripheral nodule without hilar or mediastinal ...
Interstitial lung abnormalities are more prevalent in individuals with PRISm, and those with PRISm and ILAs have higher all-cause mortality.
Your lungs might be telling you something important, but you’re probably not listening. While most of us obsess over wrinkles, memory lapses, or aching joints as signs of aging, we rarely ...