The selfie- and snuggle-loving llama called Whitetop is 27 years and more than 250 days old — and loves his job.
Whitetop, a 27-year-old llama who comforts sick and disabled children at Victory Junction camp, was declared the world’s oldest llama in captivity by the Guinness World Records.
"We had thought we'd done so good to have the fencing and keep them in at night," Caroline Willette said after the death of ...
A bucktoothed llama that spends his days comforting chronically ... His go-to move is to lie still while campers pet him, which can comfort children and give them important sensory input, said ...
“He can be kind of intimidating at first, but once they come over to him and love on him and pet on him, they just realize how sweet he is.” This photo provided by Victory Junction shows kids posing ...
For nearly two decades, llama Dove Oaks Whitetop has been a staple at Victory Junction, a camp in Randleman, North Carolina ...
(Gray News) - A llama living at a camp in North Carolina ... Adventure Program and according to the camp, he loves getting pets from the campers and joining in on selfies.
Whitetop the llama, who has lived since 2006 at the Victory ... An Ontario woman was reunited with her beloved pet cat 7 years and 4 months after he went missing, thanks to the animal's microchip.
Whitetop, a 27-year-old llama at Victory Junction camp in North ... p.m., and again from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Campers are encouraged to pet, groom, and bond with him, an interaction that can provide ...
Meet Whitetop, a llama in North Carolina who spends his days comforting chronically ill children. Whitetop, at 27 years and ...