Inspite of being overshadowed by its more popular neighbour, the Little Rann of Kutch packs a punch in terms of both views and wildlife, Destinations News - Times Now ...
An award-winning journalist, Salil Tripathi, writes this volume as a first-person account of his own growing up years and ...
The epic journey kicked off with a short drive from the Ahmedabad airport to a location just outside of Little Rann of Kutch. After an overnight stop with a gala dinner and celebration of eight ...
To a Karachiite, Tharparkar likely conjures images of suffering farmers or malnourished children. While these hardships are real and often underreported, in many ways, it is urban centres like ...
Women workers go through a cycle of agony in the eight months they toil in salt pans, where poor water availability and lack of medical help make monthly bleeding scary. Kutch, Gujarat: It is a white ...