The film "Bumblebee" explores the life cycle of bumblebees, focusing on a queen bee that emerges from hibernation and establishes a nest in an abandoned burrow. It details her role in laying eggs ...
When the trajectory of one Queen Bee crossed with another ... Bringing the quintessential English rural idle to life via interiors, food and drink, property and more Country Life’s travel content ...
the arrival of a new queen, swarming, and finding a new home. We also filmed the famous bee “waggle” dance, a unique symbolic language in the animal kingdom. Some life events, like the daily ...
and founder of Queen Mary’s Research Centre for Psychology. Renowned for his research into sensory systems, comparative cognition, and insect learning and memory, he’s a world-leading expert in the ...
but not many know I am almost as passionate about bees," he wrote on Instagram in August 2019. "I'm fascinated by the little creatures. From their waggle dance to the queen laying her own body ...