A man was allegedly held against his will inside a Secaucus motel room for more than two hours while one of his captors ...
On March 2, Secaucus officers responded to a hotel on reports of a victim being held captive and threatened with a hypodermic needle ... door while holding a large needle to prevent an escape ...
Imagine if antibodies, hormones for fertility, proteins like insulin, and vaccines could be swallowed instead of taken by ...
How big they are: Can range from 4 inches (10 centimeters ... Some species have fangs that function like hypodermic needles, injecting the venom directly. Most, however, have grooves in their teeth ...
The ascendance of social media, the availability of information, and the widespread tendency of people to trade their own ...
Domingos DaRosa plans to run a "grassroots" campaign for mayor. Prominent developer Thomas O’Brien is reportedly considering ...
A man allegedly caught with nearly a pound of methamphetamine outside a Kalispell casino in February is facing a felony drug distribution charge in Flathead County District Court. Justin Michael Gove, ...
Jennica Pounds tells the Deseret News why she thinks AI ‘has fundamentally changed the balance of power’ between Americans ...
But going through the backpack, authorities found a "large amount of suspected methamphetamine" as well as a white bag with used hypodermic needles, small bindle bags with residue and empty bindle ...
Arrests Jackson County Shannah Lynn Large, 27, Medora, possession of methamphetamine, bond pending or no bond required, 2:44 ...