Kaos, the Greek mythology comedy starring Jeff Goldblum, was Netflix’s most-watched canceled series in the second half of last year. The series scored 20.3M views in that six-month period.
Adam Gifari, putra Rhoma Irama, memilih jalan berbeda dengan menekuni seni tradisional Jawa seperti wayang dan karawitan. Siapa yang tak kenal Rhoma Irama, Raja Dangdut Indonesia? Namun, tahukah Anda ...
Mantan Presiden Filipina Rodrigo Duterte ditangkap di Bandara Internasional Manila, pada Selasa (11/3/2025). Penangkapan ini dilakukan atas perintah Mahkamah Pidana Internasional (ICC) terkait dugaan ...
Netflix confirmed that the mythological dark comedy Kaos topped the list, amassing 20.3 million views between July and December 2024. The show made its debut in August, pulling in a robust 3.4 ...
According to a draft document from the justice ministry acquired by LGBTQ rights group Kaos GL, the new legislation would also introduce prison time for those who conduct same-sex marriage ceremonies.
JawaPos.com-Kaos dan jeans sering menjadi pilihan utama untuk outfit hangout karena praktis dan nyaman. Bahannya yang nyaman dipakai tetapi juga tetap terlihat modern sehingga banyak orang yang ...
New BBC period drama series Dope Girls has been dubbed as a spiritual successor to Peaky Blinders by some, and it stars Julianne Nicholson as a woman who is pushed into a life of crime after the ...
KAOS was cancelled by Netflix after one season and new data reveals it was the most watched series to be axed in the second half of 2024 before it joined the likes of My Lady Jane, Dead Boy Detectives ...
Kurang lebih ada 10 jenis pashmina di pasaran berdasarkan bahannya. Selain yang berbahan kaos seperti tutorial di atas, berikut jenis-jenis pashmina berdasarkan bahan. 1. Pashmina ceruty, terbuat dari ...
TRIBUNJATENG.COM - Harjanto Halim CEO dari PT Marimas Putera Kencana, produsen minuman instan Marimas menggelar sayembara berhadiah Rp 30 juta bagi yang bisa menemukan kaos promosi Marimas tahun 1995.
SAYEMBARA PEMILIK MARIMAS - Tangkapan layar Tiktok @harjantohalim pada Selasa (11/3/2025) - Harjanto Halim CEO dari PT Marimas Putera Kencana produsen Marimas buat sayembara berhadiah Rp 30 juta untuk ...