There won’t be a casket. There will be an M.C., Elyse Delucci ... a glimpse of the body — and sometimes subterfuge. After John Lennon was shot to death in 1980, the staff at Frank E.
Faith Evans and Lil’ Kim, along with Biggie Smalls’ children and Sean “Diddy” Combs’ son Christian, came together on ...
The home offers a bronze sarcophagus casket for over $150,000—though ... During the services of Beatles legend John Lennon in 1980, the staff at the funeral home arranged for a decoy hearse ...
Wollaton Hall, Nottinghamshire, built for Sir Francis Willoughby in the 1580s, is … a house of unparalleled fantasy, soaring upwards with a prospect room at its summit floating like a crystal casket .