The sushi is kept fresh on plates with a microchip that allows it to only travel 350 metres before it’s retired like a ...
A scarcity of rice is causing discontent among farmers and consumers in Japan and drawing attention to a policy some say has ...
This time of year I reflect fondly upon the times when I would join my Japanese friends for picnics in public parks in Tokyo.
Following its inclusion on UNESCO’s cultural heritage list, Japanese brewers hope to showcase the true identity of sake and ...
From subtropical islands to chilled-out ski resorts, there are so many places in Japan that don't suffer from the overtourism ...
Closeup of young happy woman holding and eating Japanese traditional rice cake or daifuku mochi with sencha green tea in teacup or cup by table outdoors outside in home backyard garden Royalty-free ...
Seasoned Japanese sticky rice rolled with mango strips and kani sticks in nori sheets, California Maki has a mild sweetish taste that agrees with the Filipino palate. So that is what you always ...
I eat rice multiple days a week — and used to exclusively make it in a pot on the stove. It’s a deceptively easy task: Measure, rinse, add water, simmer, steam, and less than half an hour ...
Mochi, the iconic Japanese rice cake, boasts a rich history spanning over 1,000 years. Crafted from glutinous rice, this delicacy undergoes a unique transformation as it is pounded into a sticky ...
Rice prices continue to soar in Japan, even after the government announced it would release some of the emergency national stockpile onto the market. They have now nearly doubled in the past year ...
Though certain varieties of rice may be higher in fiber, protein, or antioxidants, all types of rice can fit into a nutritious, well-rounded diet. Rice is a staple food in many countries and ...